Well Being | Body Beautiful

When we launched Well Curated a year ago our mission was to celebrate the people and pursuits that have a positive impact on the way we live. One key component of this is encouraging a healthy relationship between mind & body. Thankfully, now more than ever it feels as though there has been a cultural shift in the conversation surrounding body positivity, with healthy figures from far more diverse shapes & sizes finding representation in catwalk shows and campaigns. 

On the flip side we have become a world obsessed with social media, one where we aspire to filtered images that misrepresent the majority of the population. We are comparing our perfectly normal bodies to a wash of images that produce a knee jerk response to strive for something so unrealistic. 

As challenging as it may sound, accepting your body shape and becoming comfortable in your skin has to be one of the most free-ing feelings, and ultimately one that will make you far more ‘well’ than any fitness class or juice cleanse. And whilst we’re not saying stop the workouts, there is something to be said for taking a step back and appreciating what you’ve got. Some of us are curvy and some of us are straight up and down, looking in the mirror and wishing for something that you don't have, whether that be a smaller waist or a bigger bottom, is not going to improve your health. Something we can all strive for is a strong body that will put us in good stead for the years ahead.

We created this shoot concept to celebrate the creases and the curves, the skin that has spent too much time in the sun and the soft bits that will wobble no matter how many workouts you do. We hope this on-going series will represent every body, after all every body is beautiful. 

Photography | Kate Davis-Macleod