Well Being | Angie Smith
If, like us, you click on every link of Angie’s enviable Instagram account, read on to discover the secrets behind her effortlessly executed looks.
Let’s talk about your tousled hair, you have managed to achieve every woman’s dream of looking like you have stepped out of the sea/salon simultaneously, do we have to accept it is down to great genes or is there a team of colour technicians and products you can recommend?
I’ve always been a bit DIY when it comes to hair, I remember going into Windle in Covent Garden when I first moved to London with a photograph of my hair as a kid, I used to live in Cyprus and was always at the beach and in the sunshine so my hair was naturally lighter. I remember the colourist at Windle mentioned a new technique called balayage, he painted the bleach on freehand and the result looked so natural, sadly when I next went for a top up he’d moved to New York and so I thought that I’d have ago myself and tried a few different brands but found the Garnier one is nice and thick so you can paint it on without it dripping everywhere and it’s so gentle on the hair I leave mine on for 5-7minutes, if you are going to try this yourself I would recommend a strand test so you can see how long it takes for your hair to change to the colour you want. I also swear by Nexxus Therappe Shampoo which I’ve again used for years, it is so rich and leaves my hair feeling full and not frizz, and I SWEAR that it makes it grow faster! I love Bumble and bumble Surf Spray and dry shampoo by Baptiste, also if I’m going out I’ll use OUAI Texturizing Hair Spray.
Your skin is always glowing, is there a secret behind your beautifully bronzed limbs?
I am terrible at looking after my skin and never moisturised unless I was on holiday but have got better since moving to Sydney as I am in the sun so much, I use Ella Baché zinc on my face and Sun Bum SPF 50 on my body, skincare wise I love Dr. Hauschka, Dermalogica, Kiehl’s and Murad. I also love the Australian brand Sukin who do an amazing rosehip oil that make up artist Patsy O’Neill introduced me to, I think it’s a little bit magic.

We have spotted you supporting sustainable fashion on your feed, have you seen a large growth in the sustainable options available for both you and your clients?
Absolutely, I love www.fashionrevolution.org as they tell you which brands are actually sustainable as it’s a word that I feel is banded around a lot, I also love Net Sustain as they’ve made sure as a brand that labels they are working with have been fully vetted.
Could you curate your champions of sustainable clothing for us?
Reformation, Mother Of Pearl, Mara Hoffman, Stella McCartney, Envelope1976, Lacausa, The Girlfriend Collective, BITE Studio and Atp Atelier, Matteau, Bassike, Bondi Born, Wolford.
The world of fast-fashion is facing negative press over the detrimental impact it is having on the planet, are there six staple pieces you would re-wear and re-work everyday of the week?
Vintage jeans, leather jacket, white cotton tee, black bias cut slip dress, chunky jumper, chunky boots.
How do you switch off from social media, do you find it addictive?
I think social media is healthy as long as it’s used in the right way, I find it informative, funny and a great way to chat to friends online. You need to approach it with a good mindset. If you are someone who compares yourself to others then I think it’s a terrible idea to use it, unless you edit who you follow to make sure that it’s enhancing your life and not hindering it.
Are there accounts you follow for healthy recipes, online workouts, wellbeing advice?
Melissa Hemsley and Amelia Freer for recipes, Davina McCall for workouts and general real talk motivation and I’ve recently started following the Holistic Therapist who I think is great.
Do you have a wellbeing routine, a ritual you do everyday or a mantra you like to remind yourself of on a regular basis?
I always go for a walk first thing and try and catch the sunrise and then do some exercise as I know that sets me up for the day, at the moment I’m missing my reformer pilates so I’m trying to go running which doesn’t come naturally but I feel so good after so I’m trying to keep it up, when I get back I’ll do some mat work. In the evening I sometimes listen to a meditation in bed if I’m having trouble sleeping. Mantra wise I don’t really have one but I like to remind myself that it’s important to be kind to others and yourself, to live within your means and if something isn’t making you happy eliminate it from your life.